Former Brentwood mayor supports naming new street after founding family


Brentwood resident Barry Williams recently began promoting the naming of a new street in Brentwood after the city’s founder Thomas Madden. The street will be the entrance to the new Brentwood Park, south of Manchester in the area currently being developed.

Former mayor Karen Kintz, who is a descendant of Thomas Madden, contacted
Mayor David Dimmitt in support of the proposal after learning of it.

With her permission, this is Kintz’s letter to Dimmitt.

Dear Mayor Dimmitt:

It has come to my attention there is a movement to name a proposed street in
the new Brentwood Park development in honor of my great-grandfather, Thomas

I feel that this, indeed, would be an honor to the name, as well as preserve
a part of the original history of the creation of the Brentwood we know

Brentwood has a rich and interesting history, and that history began as
Maddenville. I lend my support and encouragement to that which is being
proposed by Mr. Williams to preserve that history, by naming the main
entrance to the new park “Madden Drive”.

As former Mayor and a descendant of Thomas Madden I wholeheartedly support
this action, and look forward to your support and that of the Board of
Alderman in the creation of “Madden Drive”.


Karen A. Kintz

PS:  As a side note, I believe the roadway in question will follow the old
streetcar line as a continuation of Russell Avenue.  My grandfather, Patrick
Sadlier (married to Anna Madden) was a conductor on the “Dinky” which ran on
that line for many years.


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