Give STL Day: Serving the whole community


    The APA is excited to announce that on Tuesday, May 6, we will take part in the very first Give STL Day. This locally-focused online giving event partners more than 500 area nonprofits with the Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation to rally our community’s donors for one day in order to raise significant funds for local needs.

    Other cities around the country have raised millions of dollars in the past several years through their own giving days, and this year St. Louis will join dozens of partner cities in providing essential support to local charitable organizations, like the APA.

    Many community businesses and philanthropists have lined up to support the effort, and, throughout the day, there will be “Power Hours” offering matching gifts, $500 drawings and a $5000 bonus for the organization with the most donors participating. By contributing that day through one simple and convenient website, donors maximize their gifts’ collective impact on all their favorite St. Louis charitable organizations. It is the perfect opportunity to help the APA and other nonprofits in our community.

    However, the impact of Give STL Day is only as big as we make it. We need to involve as many people as we can to maximize the difference we make for our charitable organizations. Here’s how you can help:

    •  Spread the word.  Tell your friends and family in emails, through social media and, of course, in person. Help us let everyone know why your favorite organizations deserve their donation and why you support their mission.
    • Mark your calendar. On May 6, visit and make a contribution or two to participating organizations- we hope you will think of the APA that day! Keep up with the buzz by following the APA and the Greater Saint Louis Community Foundation on social media, and join the conversation using the hashtag #GiveSTLday. You can find out more about the event at the Give St. Louis website.

    We’re looking forward to seeing what our community can accomplish when we come together for a day to help each other. Thank you for supporting your local nonprofits!

    Banner Give day for website


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