Hanley, Brentwood roads treated unequally: Brentwood alderman

Tom Kramer's photo of Hanley Road on May 15.

Missouri American Water is currently doing water main work down the center of Hanley Road and Brentwood Boulevard, and Brentwood alderman, Tom Kramer is upset because Hanley is getting preferential treatment, he says.

In both cases, Kramer says the protocol, as he understands it, is for an initial temporary asphalt patch to be laid down over the water main installations. After a period of time, a contractor hired by Missouri American Water, comes back and covers the excavation with concrete for a smother driving surface.

Kramer said on Friday in a meeting with 40 South News, on a parking lot off Hanley Road in Clayton, that he asked St. Louis County, 45 days or so ago, if something can be done about the temporary asphalt on Brentwood Boulevard.

“In many cases it’s in the driving lane, and not in the center, and drivers traveling southbound are having to drive over than uneven surface, to the point where they’re restricted to almost 15-20 MPH,” he said.

Kramer said the county’s response was that they have reached out to Missouri American Water and were told there is nothing they can do about it, and that it’s going to have to stay “bumpy” until the resurfacing project is installed this fall.

Kramer said that’s different from how Hanley Road is being treated.

“As a regular user of Hanley Road, I noticed that they’re having the same situation with the temporary asphalt installation over the excavation water main project, only on Hanley Road they have gone ahead and done the permanent concrete restoration over the asphalt for a more even road surface – even though Hanley Road is to receive a repavement project at the same time as Brentwood Boulevard,” he said.

“What I can’t understand, is how is it that Hanley Road is being treated, perceivably in a more preferential fashion; while Brentwood Boulevard, which carries more cars per day, is not,” Kramer said.


  1. I agree with the others; driving south I must avoid the lane closest to center as there is no good path to take. Driving north from Manchester rd in either lane, cars must put their driver’s side tires several feet into the lane to the left to avoid the potholed seam. The road has been in this state for much too long – the completion of the highway 40 project! I notice we never see the signs “roadwork – your tax dollars at work”. Is that a hint to us? Lol

  2. I agree. Conditions on Brentwood are absolutely deplorable and represent a substantial threat to safety and personal property. However, the entire article is told through the viewpoint of a Brentwood Alderman, and there is no mention of any attempt by 40 South News to reach out to St. Louis County Highways & Traffic or to Missouri American Water regarding general policies or these specific projects. I would like to hear from those responsible for the maintenance and operation of these roadways before passing judgment on this issue.

  3. Brentwood Blvd is an accident waiting to happen. In order to get past the dungeon holes, you have to STRATTLE two lanes. what kind of safety or careful driving is that? So why are users having to suck up the cost of shock absorbers, tires, alignments and whatever else as there is no reasonable passage on B’wd Blvd? Hanley Rd is broken down between M’wd and B’wd. does the cash cow market stream on Hanley have anything to do with the prioritization? Uhhhh—that would be my guess. So besides alderman Kramer–bless him—who is standing up for B’wd?


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