Hearing planned for ‘vintage boutique’ in Maplewood; update: it’s been postponed


Some Maplewood residents received a notice in the mail for a planned ‘vintage boutique’ at 2714 Sutton Boulevard. Shana Watkins Photography moved from the location at the corner of Sutton and Marietta Avenue.

Katie May has made a request for a conditional use permit for the shop. Maplewood Planning and Zoning will consider the request and hear citizens’ comments on June 4 at Maplewood City Hall. The commission will vote on a recommendation to the city council at the meeting.

Update: residents have received a second mailing that the request for a conditional use permit for this use has been postponed at the request of the petitioner.

The available space at Sutton and Marietta.


  1. Thanks Barry. Quoting the relevant component of the ordinance:
    “Sec. 56-204. – Permitted uses.
    The following uses shall be permitted in any location within the CB district: …
    (17)Apparel and clothing accessories stores (except for the sale of used merchandise).”
    The “used merchandise” prohibition seems a bit silly, and ought to be eliminated. Vintage clothing stores contribute beautifully to the street life and commercial vitality of many urban communities.

  2. I’m not understanding why a “vintage boutique” would need to apply for a conditional-use permit for this location. Could someone clarify?

    Thanks ~


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