Hello, I’m new here! 5 Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain


photo(16)Hello there.  Let me introduce myself.  I’m Kirsten Stevens, certified personal trainer and owner at Mirror Image Lifestyle Fitness.  I’m located right there on Sutton in Maplewood.  You know the place.  A stone’s throw away from those decadent pie and doughnut shops!  You may have seen us through the windows and wondered what that place is all about.

Yep!  It’s a workout studio smack dab in the middle of a street lined with mouth-watering eats and treats! Crazy?  Nah…I think it’s rather genius!  So, if you’re ever in the neighborhood, stop on by the studio.  I’ll show you around!  I love meeting your pets, too, so bring your doggies on in to say hi, as well!

I have a passion for talking to and educating folks on fitness, health and lifestyle, which makes this a tremendous opportunity!  Starting this week, look for my weekly tips, facts and stories pertaining to these topics!  I find it very fitting to start with something most people struggle with this time of year; keeping off that dreaded holiday bulge!  With all the holiday parties at work and family gatherings that tend to offer calorie-dense foods, it’s no wonder the average American gains anywhere from 5-7 pounds over the course of a few short months!  That’s right!!  From late October through early January, we are at risk for gaining close to 10 pounds!!!  Yikes!  So, what kind of tips can a personal trainer offer folks trying to fight the weight gain?  Here are 5 Tips to Avoid Holiday Weight Gain:

  1. Never go to a holiday party hungry~avoid stuffing yourself like the Thanksgiving turkey at the party by eating a little something at home.  This can help stave off hunger which means you won’t overeat at the party.
  2. Be sure to drink plenty of water~believe it or not, water plays a big role in hunger.  You should drink around 2 L of water per day if you’re a woman and 3 L if you’re a man.  Being well hydrated really has been shown to cut down on overeating AND cravings.
  3. Allow yourself 1 treat~don’t go to a party and expect to maintain a pristine, guilt free rap sheet.  Indulge a little, just don’t over do it.  Life is too short not to enjoy those little sweet treasures.  It’s OK to have sweets.  It’s when you can’t stop, you can create a problem.
  4. Plan ahead~Most likely you didn’t just find out about this party! If you know in advance you’re planning on consuming extra calories, be sure to NOT skimp on the exercise!  It’d be especially smart to add a 30 minute strength training routine for a quick pick-me-up to the ol’ metabolism the day of the party!
  5. This is the MOST important tip, are you ready??  ENJOY yourself!~stress is abundant this time of year and has been linked to so many illnesses as well as fat retention.  Please, remember that this is the time of year to celebrate and honor one another.  ENJOY yourself and feel the stress of your daily life melt away as you engross yourself in rich conversation and laugh at a silly story your strange uncle just told.  Don’t stress about eating a few extra calories.  Learn to BE PRESENT!

And isn’t it convenient that I happen to be right around the corner?  If you need a good calorie burn!  You come on in!  I can promise you’ll be sweating off all that turkey gravy and cookies!!


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