House once faced demolition, now for sale

Oct. 16, 2015

The house at 7228 Moller Avenue in Maplewood, which was foreclosed on, sat vacant for more than two years, then faced demolition by the city, is on the market.

At a second hearing to determine the house’s fate, then Maplewood building inspector, Jeff Rask, said it wasn’t fit for occupancy and not compliant with Maplewood ordinances. Four neighbors also came to the meeting to show support for saving the house.

At the time, records showed Bank of America owned the house, but the bank denied ownership so it couldn’t be sold, which is what the neighbors wanted.

Now, according to city assistant manager, Anthony Traxler, it’s on the market. It’s listed at $79,900.


Oct. 16, 2015
Oct. 16, 2015


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