Houses recently sold in Brentwood, Richmond Heights


These area houses have sold recently in Brentwood and Richmond Heights. A one-time registration is required to see more details, or call Hermann London at (314) 802-0797. See area homes for sale at Hermann London Real Estate Group.

  • 8507 Rosalie Ave, Brentwood, list: $189,900, sold: $187,450, 3 beds, 2 baths, age: 60

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  • 9026 West Swan Cir, Brentwood, list: $132,500, sold: $130,000, 2 beds, 1.5 baths, age: 65

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  •  8627 Henrietta Ave, Brentwood, list: $225,000, sold: $225,000, 2 beds, 2 baths, age: 75

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  • 9018 Greenridge, Richmond Heights, list: $315,000, sold: $315,000, 2 beds, 2 baths, age: 63

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  • 7326 Arlington Dr., Richmond Heights, list: $174,900, sold: $168,000, 2 beds, 1 bath, age: 84

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  • 8502 Florence Ave, Brentwood, list: $379,778, sold: $377,000, 3 beds, 2.5 baths, age: new

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  • 8730 Bridgeport Ave, Brentwood, list: 249,900, sold: $241,000, 4 beds, 2 baths, age: 75

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