How Brentwood, Maplewood, Richmond Heights voted on county police proposition


The St. Louis County Proposition P, the half-cent tax for county police voted on in the April 4 election, passed in Brentwood, Maplewood and Richmond Heights, but by a smaller margin than countywide.

The April 4 municipal elections are now certified with the results posted online.

Countywide Prop P won by 63 percent.

Brentwood — Prop P passed by 60 percent (1032 yes, 664 no), overall turnout was 28.94 percent.

Maplewood — Prop P passes by 56.7 percent ( 781 yes, 598 no) overall turnout was 24.94 percent.

Richmond Heights — Prop P passed by 53 percent (601 yes, 517 no)

The results for for each city was calculated by adding the results from each precinct in each city. Since Richmond Heights had no municipal elections it wasn’t possible (for 40 South) to determine the overall turnout.




  1. What a win!! The County get 2.5 million from Richmond Heights in sale tax and the County gives Richmond Heights back $400,ooo. Let’s see , would 2.5 million lower that city’s tax to the residents ? Could that city put on more Police (two man cars) /Firefighters with 2.5 million? The last time I shopped in Richmond Heights I saw NO County Police at there shopping center only local Police! When there is a accident on Big Bend, Hanley Rd, or Clayton Rd (all County roads) the local police take care of them for FREE ( paid for with local taxes). I am still waiting to see what the new money will be used for. ” Public Safety” Police, park Rangers, crossing Guards, stripping the County roads, sidewalks cuts, streetlight in unincorporated areas just to name a few. Sorry Fire Depts, the County does not have any so the local tax payers will just have to keep paying for them. I still don’ t know what my city will receive but I am sure we will loss out just like the city to my North did. As I said ” what a win for a few”. Maybe another tax raise next year for roads! Have you been on Big Bend lately ? That’s one ‘County’ road you need to stay off of. Potholes 3, 4, 5+” deep and it has been that way for the last ten + years. That road would be a good poster boy for another tax increase. I can see it now, higher sale now or higher auto repairs later.

  2. I liked that it passed, but wonder how the budgets will work. Will the money allotted in the budget now go for something else?

  3. Any news on how specifically Maplewood PD plans to use Prop P funding and what amount Maplewood will receive in Prop P funds?

  4. Hi Doug,
    Either those numbers are off or the math is off for Maplewood. Those totals come out to 56.6% yes on Prop P in Maplewood.


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