In the press: Clayton HS passes plan to share in football program with MRH; MRH junior’s perfect ACT


Media outlets reports news Brentwood, Maplewood and Richmond Heights.


  1. I have no problem with students wanting to play football going to another district/program. But MRH devoting funds to that program is something else. I know that MRH’s decision to discontinue football was purportedly more about practicality (lack of interest) than taking a stand. But now that the district is out of the football business (paying for coaches, equipment, facilities, etc.), I think it should stay out. The risk of injury in football, especially traumatic brain injury, has only become more clear since 2015. Clayton’s dwindling participation should be taken as a sign that MRH’s resources are better used elsewhere.

  2. The headline about MRH and Clayton sharing a football team makes it sound as if it’s a done deal. It is far from that. The MRH board has not had formal discussions on the proposal as of April 29. Thank you, Ed Rich, Communications Director, Maplewood Richmond Heights School District.


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