Introducing myself – Dorene Olson, animal behaviour consultant, blogger


Merlin 004Hello! My name is Dorene Olson and I am an animal behaviour consultant in the St. Louis area.  Doug and I moved from to Doug’s new project, which I am so excited about and happy for Doug!

I live in West County but am a vicarious resident of Brentwood/Maplewood, and will happily be blogging on many different topics, usually with an animal base to them.

Doug and I met through our local backyard chicken meetup list, of which we are both members.  I am so honoured and excited to be invited to blog – and any feedback or suggestions will be enthusiastically accepted and worked on.

I am hugely involved in the animal rescue community –

At 10 a.m. on Saturday I am joining a crew that has been assembled to attempt to catch and rescue four domestic (non-flying) Pekin ducks that were dumped at a very dangerous park on a river bend – and also have a Canada goose management company, so every day is a different day for me, and I thrive on the wonderful humans that I meet along the way.  I look forward to getting to know this audience, too, and welcome any bids for help or offers to help in my rescue endeavors, TIA.

I’ll include a picture of myself and my Border Collie, Meryln.  I drove to TN to pick up “Rock” from his chain where he endured Katrina on the back of his doghouse on a 4″ chain.  He did not work as a Canada goose management dog (sound phobic) so I placed him with a friend of mine who does therapy and hospice work with him, when you see his face, you will see.  I had re-named him Merlyn (figured he needed some magic in his life) and he lives the life of a prince.

More to come, I am so excited to be a part of this project!

Dorene Olson

TARA Training and Behavior, LLC 314.956.1310


  1. Thank you KAM – I so enjoy this venue! Tomorrow I am going to try to rescue 4 domestic Pekin ducks who have been dumped on a river bend in a nasty bad part of George Winter Park. There is a suspicious man in a grey truck who is constantly there and the ducks have gotten very unfriendly and wary of their feeder-person, retreating to an island where they have never been before, it seems rather dire, wish us luck!


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