It’s time to run for office in Maplewood; 2 have declared


A council seat in each of Maplewood’s three wards and mayor will be voted on April 4, 2017. A candidate for the council and one for mayor have both said they’ll run.

The terms of council members David Cerven (Ward 1), Fred Wolf (Ward 2) and Shawn Faulkingham (Ward 3) will expire in April 2017.

Ward 3 Councilman Barry Greenberg picked up a petition to run for mayor on Tuesday, the first day possible. Faulkingham said (via Twitter @SDFaulkingham) that he plans to pick one up on Wednesday to run for his Ward 3 seat.

Map of Maplewood wards

 To run for office, via the city of Maplewood:

Potential candidates need to pick up a petition from the deputy city clerk, Karen Scheidt, at city hall, at 7601 Manchester Road. They are available now.

You must be a qualified voter of the city of Maplewood, a resident of the city for at least one year prior to the election (April 4, 2017) and a resident of the ward you seek to represent.

Individuals running for mayor must collect not less than 150 qualified voters of the city. Individuals running for council member must collect not less than 50 qualified voters who are entitled to vote for the candidate so nominated. No voter shall sign more than one nominating petition for the same office.

The opening date for candidates to file their petitions is 8 a.m. on October 18. The last date for candidates to file their petition is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, November 22.

All signatures on petitions will be verified by the St. Louis County Board of Election Commissioners.

Contact Deputy City Clerk Karen Scheidt with questions: or (314) 646-3604


  1. I’ve noticed a lot of interest in occupying Maplewood leadership positions in the comments of 40 South News, much of it fueled by frustration. I’m all for new blood on the council and as a way for future mayoral candidates to get their feet wet. But Mr. Greenberg knows this city and is the member of the council who not only interacts the most with the community publicly; he also takes the time to sit down and talk individually with concerned citizens. For this reason, I believe he is our best option for a future mayor. I just hope that voters can separate their anger with the broader council and current mayor from Mr. Greenberg himself.

  2. I have known and respected Barry Greenberg for many years. In my opinion, having Barry as mayor will be a high point of Maplewood’s mayoral history. His community service attitude is long long standing.

  3. I’m excited that Maplewood will have the vote in politicians who actually represent them. They don’t have that now.

  4. Having met and spoken with Mr. Greenberg in the past, and followed the actions of city government here at 40 South, I think his candidacy for mayor is a positive development for Maplewood.


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