In spite of construction work still going on, and one of those working inside Joy Luck Chinese Buffet (8030 Manchester Road) on Tuesday, Nov. 18 who said it would reopen next week, it did open that night. Friday night folks were lined up waiting for a table.
The restaurant is open seven days a week: Sunday through Thursday 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Friday and Saturday 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. They also do delivery and carry out (645-9982).
A sign on the door says they’ll be open on Thanksgiving.

Still NO delivery !! Need to get your story right next time.
Sorry Harold – I was going with what’s stated on their menu.
I am not a fan of the new booth tables. They look very nice however they leave very little leg room for a tall person like myself.
I am sorry about that. We actually have many tall customers like you comment about this already. This is something we hope we can fix. The booth were shipped from New York and they gave the wrong size to us and we only to find out when people start talking about the issue. Trying to get it fixed and thanks for coming back