Joy Luck aims for next week


Despite a sign last week in front of Joy Luck Chinese Buffet (8030 Manchester Road) that said it would reopen Nov. 18 after remodeling, the work continues. The saw and sawdust by the front door on Tuesday, made that clear even before seeing the activity inside.

One of those inside said they are aiming for sometime next week, now. He also said the restaurant hasn’t changed hands. Update: Joy Luck opened Nov. 18 for dinner.

Joy Luck Chinese Buffet
Joy Luck Chinese Buffet
Joy Luck on Friday night, Nov. 21
Joy Luck on Friday night, Nov. 21


  1. I’ve been seeing the parking lot full and patrons entering since the evening of the 18th and every evening after. I just ate there tonight – Fri 11/21. It got full after 5 and a waiting line out into the vestibule by 6.

  2. I showed up excited to order food on the 18th per their sign, but they were closed. It is annoying to be given a hard date TWICE and then show up to closed doors each time. There was no way to find out if they were open without actually driving up there since their phone rings endlessly with no message. I love their food, but this remodeling fiasco has left a bad taste in my mouth.


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