Judging You, Judging Me


It’s not what you think. I couldn’t care less if your baby wears disposable diapers or if woven wraps just aren’t for you. Really. Why am I judging? Because I assume you’re judging me. How could you not? 

I see mom-blog posts all the time about how moms constantly judge each other, and that we should all stop with the mommy wars and hug. I totally agree. Except, I’m probably judging you right now.

 It’s not what you think. I couldn’t care less if your baby wears disposable diapers or if woven wraps just aren’t for you. Really. Why am I judging? Because I assume you’re judging me. How could you not?


  I assume you’re judging me because you’re in amazing shape, even though your baby is only 4 months old, and I’m over here, clearly overweight (and to top it all off, probably snacking on something). You’re probably wondering why I have no self-control and what pathetic excuses I must have.

View the rest of the blog post at:  http://amber-sky.net/judging-you-judging-me/


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