Kathy O’Neill running for Brentwood Ward 4 alderman


Kathy O’Neill is running for Brentwood Ward 4 alderman, facing one-term incumbent Patrick Toohey. She sent 40 South News a statement of her priorities, which include traffic planning, the environment, and an interest in transparent board discussions and decision-making.

Kathy O’Neill’s statement:

Brentwood Forest, Ward 4 in the city, is a unique constituency. Road work, creek drainage, and tree maintenance affect all wards.  The most pressing need of our Ward 4, at this time, involves traffic planning for the new Eager Rd. developments.

Currently, a car exiting Brentwood Square onto Eager Road can only turn right, toward Brentwood Boulevard and I-64.  Trying to go straight onto Eager Road, up the hill to Brentwood Forest and to the new apartments, is awkward and dangerous. Correcting this will not be a simple matter. The intersection is partly in Richmond Heights.

Ongoing Alderman Tom Kramer has worked with both Brentwood officials and Richmond Heights personnel, and has kept Ward 4 residents well informed as to construction work hours and debris problems. However, both Aldermen from our ward need to work together, and I have discussed with Tom the sharing of responsibilities. I appreciate his input and his endorsement.

I am also concerned with the “tree canopy” throughout Brentwood. Trees add immeasurably to property values as well as our health, and as a Missouri Master Naturalist, I am especially interested in a professional long-term Environmental Plan for the city. Many aging trees will be expensive to take down, and we need to ensure that we plant replacements.

Another “green” concern is the amount of invasive Japanese honeysuckle in our parks and along our creeks. When I walk through Memorial Park, I see few native plants — because of the invasive honeysuckle. I enjoy biking the Brentwood trail system, and I’m finding that it too is lined with invasives. We have no plan, that I know of, to combat these. We need a concerted effort, possibly involving our young people, to remove these and then give our native plants a chance to grow.

As Alderman, I will work to ensure that all Board discussions and decision-making are open and transparent. I believe that any Alderman with a personal interest in an issue should divulge that interest before Board discussion begins. Although I have lived in Brentwood for 30 years, I have no family ties or business interests here. I expect no conflict of interest. I am self-financing my campaign so that I can remain completely independent, and promise to represent all residents of our community fairly.

My years of volunteer, unpaid service to the city include: Planning and Zoning Board, Comprehensive Plan Commission, Board of Adjustment, and presidency of the Library Board. My financial expertise grew as chair of the Supervisory Committee of a large local credit union. These experiences have provided a working knowledge of city government, and the ability to work with others to solve problems.

I have time, energy, and a fresh perspective. I would appreciate your support in the April 5 election.

See also: Brentwood alderman endorses new candidate

Kathy Oniell
Kathy ONeill



  1. According to the handouts she is distributing this weekend, it seems Ms. O’Neill has decided to skip the election. A quote from the text found at the top of the flyer next to her picture: “Kathy O’Neill Alderman Ward 4”. I guess time will tell.


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