Lawyer charged with DWI in Brentwood sentenced

Scott Rosenblum

Lawyer Scott Rosenblum, driving his 2013 Bentley in the 1800 block of South McKnight Road in April, crashed head-on into a 2001 pickup, according to Brentwood police.

Rosenblum pleaded guilty Monday to careless and imprudent driving resulting in an accident and improper lane usage, according to STL Today. He was originally charged with DWI.

Scott Rosenblum, credit: Brentwood Police
Scott Rosenblum, credit: Brentwood Police

He said he was not drunk, but tired from long hours defending a client. He’ll have to comply with the following:

  • Complete 100 hours of community service.
  • Attend and complete requirements of the state’s Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program.
  • Not consume alcoholic beverages within eight hours of driving a vehicle.
  • Submit to a breath or blood test at the request of a law enforcement officer.
  • Pay $795.50 in fines.

Read the full article in STL Today



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