Let the Feast-ivities Begin! 2 Easy Rules for Thanksgiving


Folks, it’s Thanksgiving Eve.  This is a great time of year, am I right? A time to come together.  Count our blessings.  Celebrate life.  Give thanks.  Give back to our community.  Reunite with our family and friends.  Oh, and let’s not forget about PIGGING OUT!!!!!  Yes, I sure did say that! Because, as a personal trainer, it goes against a LOT of what I teach: maintain a healthy and well balanced diet.  But, I will NEVER tell my clients to eat healthy on Thanksgiving!!  It’s impossible for me to ask that of someone when I don’t believe in doing so myself!  I’m sorry, but I have been waiting all DARN year for this meal….so, either grab a fork and plate with me or move outta my way.  A year’s a long time to wait!!

Why don’t I maintain a more strict diet on Thanksgiving?  Because it’s ONE DAY out of a year!!!  That’s why.  Because you or your mom or sister or aunt or friend spent HOURS in the kitchen making that food.  EAT it.  Because what other day of the year do you get to mix turkey, mashed potatoes (don’t skimp on the gravy, thank you!) and cranberry jelly on the same fork?  (a personal favorite combo for me) No other day is the answer.  So, I encourage you to wear comfy belly-expanding clothes and get your EAT ON!!

Surely a personal trainer MUST have some rules about Thanksgiving feasting, right?  Yes, I have a couple of rules, but they’re do-able, so don’t freak out!  Rule #1) I need you to try to move your body on Thanksgiving.  Take a walk (good chance to walk the dogs while showing the family your neighborhood).  Attend a fitness class (shameless plug: I ALWAYS have a Thanksgiving day workout at my studio, come on by).  Grab your yoga mat and do some poses.  Just MOVE your body.  And rule #2) is NO LEFTOVERS!!!  Period.  I am okay with the pigging out on Thanksgiving day but NO LEFTOVERS.  I always stock up on those cheap leftover containers so I can give food away!  When you go somewhere and they try to hand off a plate of goodies to take home, smile politely and say “no thanks”.  I’m sure they will understand.  If they insist, take it but do NOT eat those leftovers.  I only have those two rules.  See?  Easy! Anyone can follow them.

Eat, drink and be merry tomorrow.  Try to enjoy your family and friends.  Laugh and smile.  Share stories and life lessons.  Sit at the kid’s table and giggle at silly kid things.  Enjoy your day.  DON’T YOU DARE WORRY ABOUT HOW MANY POINTS OR CALORIES YOU’RE EATING.  Blessings to you all.  And, Happy Thanksgiving.



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