Let Them Eat Art, restaurants, in the news

Let Them Eat Art, via Twitter
Let Them Eat Art, via Twitter

Maplewood’s upcoming “Let Them Eat Art” event, and several of its restaurants have been featured in the media lately.

The 10th annual “Let Them Eat Art,” featuring 32 Maplewood businesses, is Friday — it’s been previewed around town:

  • Let Them Eat Art, via Twitter
    Let Them Eat Art, via Twitter

    St. Louis Magazine included Let Them Eat Art in a list of the top 10 things to do in July. It’s Friday, July 10.

  • St. Louis Magazine previews Let Them Eat Art, in Maplewood on Friday. Thirty-two Maplewood businesses will be highlighted in the 10th annual event.
  • The West End Word featured Let Them Eat Art.
  • Maplewood says, “Let Them Eat Art” in Fox2 News.

Several Maplewood restaurants have been featured lately:

  • Whisky and Soba wrote about Bolyard’s Meat & Provisions, in Maplewood, along with lots of photos.
  • The swing-seats at Boogaloo were featured in an article about unique Missouri restaurants.
  • Feast Magazine included Kakao Chocolate as one of the five best candy shops in St. Louis.
  • The St. Louis Post-Dispatch wrote about Schlafly Bottleworks chicken wings — “smoked then grilled.”
  • Feast Magazine covered the Tim Hortons opening in Maplewood.
  •  St. Louis Magazine covered Strange Donuts’ latest venture — a web cast series called, “Strange Louis.”


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