Library hangs historic painting

Maplewood librarian Terrence Donnelly and Carlene Masters, who donated the Stan Masters painting to the library.

Maplewood Public Library Saturday unveiled a watercolor of the building at the corner of Sutton Boulevard and Hazel Avenue painted by the late Stan Masters.

The painting was donated by Masters’ widow, Carlene Masters, in February. It now hangs on the first floor of the library next to the computers.

The storefront in the painting housed the first Harper’s Pharmacy, according to Maplewood historian, Doug Houser. It was named for Dr. Leander Cape, one of Maplewood’s earliest businessmen and community leaders.

See also: Watercolor of historic Maplewood building donated to library, Stan Masters: A World Class Watercolorist…from Maplewood

Maplewood librarian Terrence Donnelly and Carlene Masters, who donated the Stan Masters painting to the library.
Maplewood librarian Terrence Donnelly and Carlene Masters, who donated the Stan Masters painting to the library.


  1. Water color painting sounds easy. After all, kids get their first experience at painting with water color. It is not easy; it is a very difficult and demanding art form. Stan Masters was superb at it. Maplewood was one of his favorite subjects. I was fortunate to see a large number of his paintings at Clark Graves Antiques, in Clayton. It is well worth a trip to Clayton to see them. I would call ahead for open hours.


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