Liquor store to open soon on S. Big Bend


The Conoco station turned liquor store on S. Big Bend Boulevard is set to open in early February. It’s ‘Big Bend Liquior,’ according to the signs in front.

Maplewood officials in August approved a package liquor license, including sales on Sunday and special package tasting license for the store, set to replace the former Conoco station at 3600 S. Big Bend Boulevard.

An employee said Thursday that the store would open in about three weeks.

The business’s owner, Gaurang Bhavsar, had operated a Conoco station there for three years, and told the council in August that it wasn’t making enough money as a gas station.


  1. Cant beleive this s**t hole is really happening. NICE FOR THE AREA? They aren’t even going to TRY and make it look decent. I’m sure the clientele will be similar! Not that the owner gives a s**t they probably live in Chesterfield! Thanks owners!


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