Lois Truman running for Brentwood Board of Education


Lois Truman is running for a seat on the Brentwood Board of Education. Two seats will be open in the election in April. Truman ran last year, and came in fourth; the top three won the three open seats.

See also, from last year: Brentwood School Board candidates answer community questions

Truman sent this statement for publication in 40 South:

The Brentwood School District Board of Education makes decisions for critical issues affecting our community: student transportation and safety, textbook adoption, funding for extracurricular activities and other school-related projects, new curriculum standards and cutting-edge trends in education, construction/renovation of school facilities, etc. Remember, in addition to producing outstanding productive young citizens, highly rated public schools maintain or increase property values in our vibrant community.

One of the most difficult parts of school governance is creating a strong relationship with the public. I anticipate being an effective board member who knows and respects its community, and encourages the community’s trust in its school system. I encourage diverse points of view and have the ability to work well with a team, supporting group decisions, along with an understanding that the board sets a climate for the entire Brentwood community.

I have always believed unequivocally in the value of public education. I am a product of public schools and began my teaching career in a Title I public school, continued teaching various grade levels, became a school guidance counselor, earned a Ph.D. in Child and Family Studies from Syracuse University, NY, and currently teach college-level early childhood education courses in a state college (recipient of Adjunct Faculty Award for Excellence in Instruction, 2017).

I’m married to a retired US Army Chaplain, so our three children relocated multiple times in a variety of public school systems. I was fortunate to be a hands-on mom in each of their school settings, volunteering as a coach for Odyssey of the Mind, fundraising chair, room mother, fieldtrips, etc. Now, as a grandmother of students in the Brentwood School District, I enjoy continuing my role as an involved advocate for the best education for our Brentwood students.

From 2012 to 2014, I was privileged to serve as School of Education Program Chair, Jumeira University, Dubai, UAE. I have grown up interfacing with people of diverse cultures, both in and out of the US, and clearly see the importance of having inclusion and diversity in education to prepare students for success in life.

I believe great teachers produce great students. Teachers need access to every possible resource to do their most vital job. Brentwood has some of the best teaching staff in the country, and we must maintain that high standard.

I am committed to the time and energy required for meetings, phone calls, conversations, visits to schools, and professional development/workshops to do this job. I look forward to increasing my knowledge about district policies, guidelines, needs, challenges and strengths of our fantastic Brentwood schools.

For more information, please check out my Website (loistruman.com), and Facebook page (Lois Truman for Brentwood School Board)
Dr. Lois M. Truman

courtesy Lois Truman


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