Lois Truman running for Brentwood School Board

Lois Truman

Candidate for Brentwood School Board, Lois Truman, sent the following biographical information to 40 South News for publication. She is one of six running for three open seats on the board. A League of Women Voters candidates forum will be held at the Brentwood School District Conference Center on Thursday, March 9 at 7 p.m.

From Lois Truman:

Lois Truman

I am excited to be on the April 4, 2017 ballot as candidate for the Brentwood School District Board of Education. I am a lifelong educator with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education, a Master of Education in Counseling and Psychological Services, and a Doctorate in Child and Family Studies.

In early 2014 my husband (currently on the Brentwood Library Board) and I returned from Dubai to live near our family where we have three grandchildren attending the fabulous Brentwood schools. We jumped right into volunteering with the schools, and saw firsthand that the rave reviews we had heard about Brentwood schools were totally accurate. We were in a bit of shock to see that such a gem existed.

As has been my life pattern, I look for ways to contribute to my community. This position on the Brentwood District School Board allows me to use skills, experience and training in giving back to our community. While my husband was active duty military, I found my niche working with children and families wherever we were assigned. I taught in grades K-12, worked as a school guidance counselor, directed before/after school programs, supervised staff at the Army Education Center, oversaw budget and construction for multi-million dollar family services facilities, and also managed the closing/downsizing of military services/facilities. In all of these experiences, I have seen first-hand how a high quality, vibrant school system directly equates to a high quality, vibrant community.

I pledge to work with members of the Brentwood School Board of Education in creating and carrying out policies that benefit the children and families of our community, because I believe everyone in the community benefits from having a quality school system. More specifically, I believe a quality school system reduces negative impacts in every area of our community – lower crime rates; abundant resources; kind and respectful citizens; and healthy, positive attitudes in general. Brentwood schools ranked 12th place in all Missouri public schools; YOU have the power to ensure that this high quality continues.

Brentwood schools make the world a better place, and I need your vote on April 4th to ensure this high standard continues. Please look for upcoming opportunities to meet and discuss how I am a “qualified, experienced, and involved” candidate for your vote on April 4th.

Please visit my Web site at www.loistruman.com, or my Facebook page (Lois Truman for School Board) for more information. I also welcome emails: loistruman@gmail.com.
Thank you!
Lois Truman

Currently: ​

  • Brentwood resident
  • Three grandchildren in Brentwood schools
  • Educator (taught elementary through college level)
  • Bachelor of Science/Elementary Education​
  • Master of Education/Counseling & Psychological Services
  • Doctorate/Child & Family Studies
  • 20+ year membership: National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
  • Volunteer in Brentwood schools
  • Children’s Ministry Director/UCity Family Church
  • Director/New Destiny Childcare Center
  • Associate Professor/Ivy Tech Community College


  • 15+ years directing military child development centers
  • Created and executed multiple budgets
  • Recruited/trained/assessed staff working with children
  • Served on school curriculum boards
  • Curriculum Editor for Word Aflame Publishing
  • Supervisory Training Technician/US Army Education
  • Dean of Education/Dubai, UAE
  • Educational Counselor
  • Conducted assessments for accreditation (NAEYC)
  • Recent Professional Development Training:
  • Diversity Across the Curriculum (2016)
  • Strategies for Active Learning (2016)
  • Techniques for Classroom Presentation (2015)



  1. Such a qualified person as Lois would certainly be an asset to the Brentwood Schools. Highly qualified educationally and rich in experience. As a person, Lois is authentic and upbeat! You always walk away from her feeling encouraged and yet challenged.

  2. Along with other great discoveries in this community, this 40 South News resource is now at the top of my list! Grateful for Doug’s vision for helping us all communicate and stay informed.


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