Man charged with forgery at Citizens National Bank


A St. Louis man is charged with forging six checks, belonging to his father, at Citizens National Bank, according to police and court records.

John Randall Shuster, 54, of St. Louis, is power of attorney for his father, victim John Shuster Sr. (age 81). James Shuster (victim’s son and John Shuster’s brother) discovered that numerous checks from his father’s checking account had been stolen from his father’s residence, made payable to defendant, and cashed at various locations in the St. Louis area between July 24 and August 26, 2015, at 7305 Manchester Road.

Six of those checks were cashed at the Citizens National Bank branch in Maplewood. Defendant confessed to stealing the checks, forging them and cashing them. He was held on a $50,000 bond.


  1. I was notified LAST YEAR by the IRS that my ID had been stolen, and they caught it, because the income information and dependents looked a LOT better than mine…if you think you have been compromised, call the IRS FIRST, and then notify Equifax, TransUnion or whomever to flag your account as stolen. Also tell your bank, and call all your credit cards–and RED FLAG your acccount. The Credit Checking systems only flag you for 90 days. The IRS is for (i think 5) years— My only question is if you are going to go to all the trouble you are in for for ID theft, why not pick a juicier target?? me?? i don’t think so… love, maureen


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