Manchester corner may reopen as piano bar


7376 Manchester Road, the southeast corner of Manchester Road and Sutton Boulevard, has been a piano bar, a burlesque and a pizza restaurant in recent years. Most recently an attempt to open as a dinner theater with a wilderness Alaska theme failed. It may now reopen again as a piano bar.

At least one of the partners in the Jive and Wail piano bar, which closed at the location in 2010, has filed to appear before Maplewood Plan and Zoning in October, according to Maplewood building commissioner Brian Herr.

Herr said they’ll probably go to plan and zoning first, to see if the conditional use permit is granted, before applying for a business license.

He also said there have been no applications for the opposite corner, 7401 Manchester, which was most previously the Monarch restaurant.

See also: P&Z to hear piano bar proposal; why Jive & Wail closed

“There have been several businesses that have come close, but that space is pretty large, and I think the person leasing it wants to incorporate some of the basement. He said there is a wide staircase down to the basement, which was used when the corner was a department store. “It would take a lot of capital to make it into a usable space,” Herr said.

7376 Manchester Road may reopen as a piano bar once again.


  1. According to a previous commenter on this site, the J&W needed more room.

    I might be mistaken, but I don’t think there are any piano bars on Wash Ave or the Landing anymore. I suppose a consequence of Howl at the Moon in Ballpark Village. The J&W that was on Wash Ave opened up in Westport October 2014.

    Can anyone confirm that is correct – this would be the third piano bar in the st louis area.

  2. Maybe they should try using it as a 5 and 10 cents store.
    That’s what it was when I first came to Maplewood.
    There was at least one other 5 & dime and the big Katz Drug with abasement shopping area.

  3. The old J&W was packed every weekend, and the crowd always spilled over into nearby businesses. Plus the place is kind of built for that, not really as a restaurant. Seems like a slam dunk.


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