Manhassett phase 2: site plan

The four buildings of Manhassett phase 2 will be very similar — like this one.

Richmond Heights City Council, at its Oct. 19 meeting, approved the site plan review and final development plan for four buildings known as phase 2 of Manhassett. They’ll be at the northwest corner of Eager and McCutcheon roads; west of phase 1.

Ground was broken for phase 1 of Manhassett — which the developer calls EVO — in September. That phase is to include 281 1- and 2-bedroom apartments, a sky deck, four-story parking garage and a saltwater pool.


The four buildings of Manhassett phase 2 will be very similar — like this one.
The four buildings of Manhassett phase 2 will be very similar — like this one.


Manhassett phase 2 site plan, showing all four buildings
Manhassett phase 2 site plan, showing the location of all four buildings


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