Manhassett Village, senior assisted living center construction to begin this summer, fall

Manhassett Village Apartments are planned for

Brentwood Ward 4 alderman, Tom Kramer updates the Brentwood Forest community monthly. In April he covered new businesses in Brentwood Promenade and developments on the property north of Brentwood Forest.

In the Brentwood Promenade, Total Wine & More is set to replace Golf Galaxy in the fall and Destination XL, a men’s big and tall store, is set to replace the now vacant Thomasville Furniture, according to Kramer.

See also: Wine, liquor, beer store plans new Brentwood location

A plan for a previously approved (2012) professional office campus, Eager Ridge, on Eager Road, has been replaced by a senior assisted living center.

The property is owned by MoDOT, which originally bought it to for a more southern placement of 1-64 and its flyover ramp from Interstate 64/40 to I-170. The previous developer confirmed in March that they had withdrawn, primarily due to difficulties working with the city of Richmond Heights, according to Kramer.

The new developer plans a 4-story, 90-bed senior assisted living center, and now has a contract with MoDOT to buy the land. Kramer said the developer has committed to mitigate both the appearance and some of the sound from the flyover ramp. Parking is proposed to the west of a the campus. A late fall 2015 construction is predicted.

Kramer also reports that construction should begin soon for Manhassett Village Apartments. MSD has completed their approvals, and the city of Richmond Heights is waiting for its required $10,000 damage deposit by the developer before permits to break ground are issued.

Kramer’s bills to keep heavy trucks off Eager Road failed last fall in a 4-4 tie vote, broken by Mayor Kelly.

Manhassett Village Apartments are planned for
Manhassett Village Apartments are planned for


  1. Why hasn’t Kramer told us about this before? Where is all of this TRANSPARANCY that Maureen is screaming about?


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