Maplewood business shares sales once a month, in June it’s Book House


La Cosecha Coffee Roasters (7352 Manchester Road) has started donating 50 percent of its sales to a need in the community on the third Tuesday of every month. They call it Share the Harvest. This month, The Book House will benefit.

Screen shot 2015-06-01 at 3.19.35 PMThe program started in May with a donation to the Freedom Arts & Education Center, an inner city youth arts program.

In June, The Book House—a Maplewood business raising money to cover debts from its move to the city, or will be forced to close—will be the recipient. See also: Lemonade stand raises $1,700 to save Maplewood business

Come in to La Cosecha for coffee—if it’s warm out make it a cold coffee, on tap—on Tuesday, June 16 to support The Book House.


  1. How much money did this end up raising for the Book House? The Indiegogo site says they still need $2,000 to get to their 10K, but the site says they raised a couple thousand in private donations. Plus there was the money raised at the lemonade stand that wasn’t included on the fundraising site. Plus the La Cosecha fundraiser. I’m just confused what they have actually raised and what they actually needed. I thought they needed 10K to stay open, but it seems to me they have raised significantly more than that by now.


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