Maplewood businesses to hold silent auction, help feed families over holidays


Two neighboring Maplewood business owners are teaming up to help some area families over the upcoming holiday.

  • Nate Bonner and Eliza Coriell, owners of NHB Knife Works and The Crow’s Nest, respectively, are organizing a family-friendly silent auction to be held at The Crow’s nest on Sunday, Dec. 17 in the evening, after brunch at Crow’s Nest.

Coriell said proceeds from the event will also be donated.

They hope to raise $1,000, to buy gift cards at Shop ‘n Save and Aldi, which will go to families who need some help over the holiday break. They hope to raise enough is to help five to six  families.

For the auction, Bonner plans to make a Crow’s Nest themed knife. He said Martin Goebel at Goebel & Co. Furniture plans to make a cutting board and Steve Rye at Sole Survivor to make a sleeve for the knife.

The hope to get ten to twelve Maplewood businesses involved in the auction.

“Hopefully we can make this a good event and do it annually,” Bonner said.







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