The owners-to-be of the cat cafe, Mauhaus, set to open this year, started a Kickstarter campaign on Tuesday to raise $15,000 for startup costs.
Update: After not quite two days, the campaign has raised almost $13,000 of the $15,000 goal. There are 30 days left in the campaign.
Update 2: With 4 days remaining Mauhaus has reached double its $15,000 goal.
Ben Triola and Dana Huth, co-founders of Rampant Interactive in Maplewood explain the concept in their Kickstarter video. The cafe and the room with the cats — adoptable from Tenth Life Cat Rescue — will be separated by a glass wall with a door between the two.
Triola and Huth say they already have a space and the floor plans are done; it’s at 3101A Sutton Boulevard. They say the city of Maplewood has been welcoming to them, and they’re working with the city to make sure they meet all the codes and ordinances.
From the Kickstarter:
“MAUHAUS will be unlike any cafe you’ve ever been to – and not just because of the cats! We’re dedicated to offering unique food and beverages from around the globe. You’ll find offerings in MAUHAUS that you just won’t see in most cafes. We’ve spent the last year perfecting recipes and experimenting with new ideas.”
See the Mauhaus Kickstarter campaign.
7 days left! We’ve had a few more people ask about add-ons. Some of these won’t be available after the Kickstarter!
(@MAUHAUScafe) April 22, 2016
KITTY CAMS UNLOCKED! Only 5 days left to reach our final stretch goal!
(@MAUHAUScafe) April 24, 2016
Went to one of these in Georgetown (D.C.) that opened last June (called “Crumbs and Whiskers”). The cats roam about the cafe during certain hours. You can pet them but you can’t pick them up. It’s kind of a cool concept, if you’re not allergic to cats. The only bummer was that place didn’t allow children under 13 y/o in the cafe – whether the cats were out or not. That turned us off, as we have a few under that age, and I had to go by myself at a later time. Don’t know what this cafe will be like, but the free roaming of the cats at the Georgetown cafe was what made the place unique. I hope they allow that and it’s not just a “watch the cats behind a glass wall” idea.
I opened a business once, I paid for it myself. just a thought.
Yes, Matt.