Council allocates funds to bus station, sidewalks; not path to Metrolink


Maplewood Mayor Barry Greenberg gave a report by phone to 40 South about the city council meeting on Tuesday (editor was out of town).

After hearing comments from residents promoting using the Community Development Block Grant funds for a path through Kellogg Park to make the Maplewood Metrolink station more accessible, the council approved instead to use the $64,000 federal grant to improve the Yale bus shelter ($15,000), fix sidewalks ($15,000), and the remaining $34,000 for the home improvement program for low-income residents.

Greenberg said using almost half of the funds for a bus shelter and sidewalks better takes into consideration residents who aren’t homeowners. He also said that he’d like a path through Kellogg Park to be part of a comprehensive plan for the park, and a plan considering public safety should be coordinated with Metro.

The entire council voted to approve the ‘We Are Still In‘ environmental initiative, which Greenberg had previously signed as mayor. The reference to the state of Missouri was removed in the vote, since Missouri doesn’t pass energy legislation, Greenberg said.

The council also approved short term vacation rentals (Airbnb use) for areas zoned Limited Residential and Medium Density Residential, making approvals conditional. They were concerned about parking issues.

In a work session before the regular meeting, Scott Woodbury of the Missouri Botanical Garden spoke to the council about gardening. Greenberg said they thought he would talk about ordinances, but everyone thought the information would help them create a new ‘weed ordinance’ for the city, which would be more specific about what is allowed and not allowed in yards.


  1. This is a bit better – like fixing the sidewalks but really need to pave the many pothole filled side streets between Big Bend and Laclede Station. It’s like driving through Mosul….

      • I see all races of life at that shelter…..Most are thugs that don’t seem to be waiting for a bus. They just hang out all day long.


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