Maplewood council sides with home owners, against Autohaus BMW

The two houses on Caroline Avenue won their case to keep green space.

Maplewood City Council decided against Autohuas BMW’s request for more parking at the expense of two home owners on its north border Tuesday.

The two houses on Caroline Avenue won their case to keep green space.
The two houses on Caroline Avenue won their case to keep green space.

Of the neighborhood that once occupied the area west of S. Hanley Road, where Autohaus, FedEx, and several office buildings now stand, two houses and a small green space remain on the north side of Caroline Avenue. One of the home owners told the council both owners had lived there for 40 years.

An Autohaus (3015 S. Hanley Road) representative said the BMW dealer has grown from 75 employees to more than a hundred and needed more parking.

A yes vote would have taken away some of the green space next to the houses. Councilman Barry Greenberg said removing the green space would add approximately six parking spaces for the business, which wasn’t worth the reduction in quality of life to the residents.

The council tied 3-3. Four yes votes were required to approve the request.

Councilmen Barry Greenberg, Shawn Faulkingham and Karen Wood voted no; David Cerven, Fred Wolf and Mayor Jim White voted yes. Councilman Tim Dunn was absent.

Other council actions:

  • Approved a liquor license for 3600 S. Big Bend, currently Conoco station
  • Approved that a vehicle could be pulled over for the sole purpose of issuing a citation for violation of the city’s seat belt laws
  • Approved an art gallery at 2506 Sutton Boulevard
  • Approved a permit for a coffee/bake shop at 2808 Sutton Boulevard

This story was reported by Nancy Miner.


  1. Wonderful that the homeowners came out on top, although as George stated “barely.” Its really a shame that more council members weren’t more sensitive to their residents and the vote was more unaminous. Glad they won though!!


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