Maplewood Council: Short agenda, could discuss fire house financing


Maplewood City Council has a short agenda on Tuesday, so City Manager Marty Corcoran has suggested that the council spend time discussing bond financing for the new fire house, the upcoming budget or anything else they would like to talk about. It could be in a work session or as part of the regular meeting. On the agenda for the Maplewood regular meeting:

  • A resolution appointing Andy Barnes to the Design and Review Board and Historic and Preservation Commission.
  • A resolution appointing Sandi Phillips to the Plan and Zoning Commission.
  • A resolution authorizing the solicitation of bids for the purchase of approximately $3 million General Obligation Refunding Bonds for the Maplewood Aquatic Center. It is anticipated that the refinancing will save the city more than $200,000 over eight years.
  • An ordinance authorizing the issuance of approximately $3 million of General Obligation Refunding Bonds for the Maplewood Aquatic Center.

The council meets on Tuesday at 7:30 p.m.


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