Maplewood council to vote on speed monitor, food truck commissary


Maplewood officials at their meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 25, are set to vote on a speed monitor trailer and to take the final vote on a permit to allow Christ Church to use its kitchen as a food truck commissary. The meeting is at Maplewood City Hall at 7:30 p.m.

On the agenda:

  • A resolution to adopt the final budget for the city of Maplewood for the year ending June 30, 2015. The auditors recommend a final budget for each fiscal year that reflects the actual expenditures of the fiscal year.
  • A resolution to accept a bid of $9,925 for a speed monitor trailer and message board. The city received a grant through the Missouri Highway and Transportation Commission Blueprint for Safety Road Program to buy the monitor.
  • An ordinance to grant a permit to Christ Church, at 2200 Bellevue Avenue, to allow its kitchen to be used as a commissary for food trucks. The commissary hours will be from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Initially a maximum of four food trucks will be allowed. The plan and zoning commission can increase the number to seven trucks after six months if there has been no negative impacts to the neighborhood. This is up for final council action. A public hearing will be held before the vote.

See the full agenda and meeting notes.


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