Maplewood History: A Truck Runs Through It


“A Truck Runs Through It” first appeared on the Facebook page of the City of Maplewood and then later on the Maplewood Patch website.  Disturbing to me is the ephemeral nature of these posts.

The Patch is slowly disintegrating having first lost all of the captions to my photos, then many of the photos themselves and sometimes scrambling the remaining photos so a reader today may have trouble to detect my original meaning.

Here at 40 South News we were unhappy to find that some of the photos have disappeared from at least one of my earlier posts.  While we’re doing all we can to solve this problem, I would encourage anyone interested in these posts to copy them any way they can.  I save the text and the photos to DVDs that will ultimately be put in the Maplewood Library’s collection but these posts exist in this form and order nowhere else but in this blog.

This post is about a rare, vintage machine from Maplewood’s past that is preserved at the Museum of Transportation.  My apologies to Norman Maclean for appropriating his title.

1 A Truck Runs Through It web

2 A Truck Runs Through It web

3 A Truck Runs Through It web

4 A Truck Runs Through It web

5 A Truck runs Through It web



  1. So interesting Doug! These are pictures I have seen before as Floyd Alonzo Fennell was my grandfather. Katie is my cousin and we lived just behind Ev Callaway all my years in Maplewood. Thanks for the memories!!

    • They are really great photos. So nice of your relatives to volunteer them to our historic photo collection.

  2. Doug, when I saw the title of the article, I thought perhaps this was pertaining to a picture I have discovered, of a large truck getting stuck under the viaduct at Greenwood and Maple / Canterbury. This event took place much later (50’s or 60’s). I have several photos from Maplewood, which you’d be welcome to take a look at, not directly pertaining to the music store. Thank you for posting so many great pictures, and stories.


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