Maplewood History: An Impertinent Rascal


A large part of the reward of operating a blog such as this one is the contact with a diverse, mostly well-informed, polite and curious group of folks such as yourselves. But one of the hazards of an open forum is that, now and then, one is forced to deal with an impertinent rascal such as the one who recently sent me the following link:

Link from an Impertinent Rascal

This rascal made no attempt to be anonymous but I’m not posting his name for as you’ve probably seen by now his disrespect knows no bounds. I’ve yet to come up with a proper response to this assault on the dignity of persons in my position. Any ideas?


  1. All of you are very very very funny. And….I LOVE the Maplewood history pieces. I keep looking for pictures of houses on Cherry St. Have any?

    • Scott – He knows that, and told me he thought it was funny. I hope that’s true, and he really doesn’t think that I’m an “impertinent rascal.”

        • I thought it was hilarious and extremely well written. The author/s must have had some close contact with others of my genre. And for the record I did not rat out the identity of the impertinent rascal that sent me that link.

  2. Doug, I just returned from a Glasgow book signing, and met a wonderful gentleman there who is an expert on local history – a 4th generation of his family in Glasgow. It’s people like this who are the keepers of the history, and although many don’t normally have the time to delve into their history, it’s to their benefit that some do.


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