From their earliest frame building to their current Mid-Century Modern classic, Concordia has been a presence in Maplewood from the very beginning.

From their earliest frame building to their current Mid-Century Modern classic, Concordia has been a presence in Maplewood from the very beginning.
Odd, I’ve never before noticed that exterior balcony on the bell tower. I’ll have to ask around.
Hi Gary, An earlier comment of yours generated this post. I’m sorry you’re not seeing all the photos. I’ve never had any of them not load when I’ve checked them. The balcony I referred to is the one on the exterior of the church at the top of the tower. Also I’d like to get a copy of your photo of the second church. Thanks for your interest.
Come to think of it, I’ll bet you are talking about the side balcony and not the one in back (where the piano is). Like I said not all the photos loaded, including that one. I’ll have to ask an older member of the church. My wife says it used to extend farther back but a partition was added and the back part is used for storage. It’s been a few years since I was up there and that was because my little boy was curious and went in there so I followed him to make sure he wasn’t getting into anything.
Thanks, Doug. I enjoyed the article. I’m a member of this church. In the basement there is a photo of the previous building. I don’t know if it is the same as the one above because not all of the above photos loaded on my browser (only 4 of them – the rest show a question mark). I bought a plate through eBay that illustrates the previous building before it was replaced. The church used to have a very large congregation so I’m certain the balcony was used more often than it is now. There has been a piano up there (at least it was still there the last time I was up there). The sound/audio guy goes up there.