Maplewood History: Cora Clamorgan – Part Four


The Clamorgan family was one of the oldest in St. Louis. The author Julie Winch has done a magnificent job of telling their tale in her book, The Clamorgans – One Family’s History of Race in America. I am very glad that I read this book. I would highly recommend it.

The portion about the travails of Cora Clamorgan are important to everyone but especially to we Maplewoodians because this is where it happened.  This story went national and was carried by newspapers throughout the land.  As Reader Mary commented after reading the first three posts, “Glad her friends also stuck by them, what eventually happened to her, and her child? Did they get awarded the millions? Did she remarry? What about the jerk who left her? I have more questions now!”

You will have too.  It’s a complicated story.  Readers who haven’t seen one or more of the first three posts might like to do so with the following links.

Cora Clamorgan – Part One

Cora Clamorgan – Part Two

Cora Clamorgan – Part Three

Remember always do the right thing.  Mrs. Frank (Jennie) Wiss (subject of Post Three) did.  She had no idea that one hundred and nine years later she would be the object of our respect and admiration.  Maybe it will happen to one of us.

Purely by accident the above article was published on this date in 1911.  I didn’t realize it until just now.

I hope you’re enjoying the posts about Cora Clamorgan.  There will probably be 5 or 6 more.

The hardcover and softcover versions of my new book are selling well.  Still the only places you can get one are at Scheidt Hardware and from me.  I think there are no more than 20 or so copies left of the softcover from the first printing.

Thanks again to all of you who comment or contribute information.  This continues to be a lot of fun for me.  Be careful.

Doug Houser      June 12, 2020


  1. The detail and quality of newspaper reporting in those days was really enviable. Imagine covering a church sermon in such detail today. At that time Central Baptist was one of the largest and most influential black congregations in St. Louis. They had been in the former Pilgrim Congregational Church since 1906. Located at the southeast corner of Washington and Ewing (now Bishop T. E. Huntley), it was a large stone Gothic Revival building with one of the tallest spires in the city. The interior woodwork was dark walnut, with two levels of seating, making an impressive stage for the words of Rev. Stevens, which are sadly just as pertinent now as they were then. Central Baptist is still in the same location, but the church burned in 1970.

  2. This is also the anniversary of the Loving Vs. Virginia ruling by the Supreme Court, which makes the date even more apt.


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