Maplewood History: John Stillwell Stark – New/Old Images Are Found


Many readers of this blog will recall John Stillwell Stark, the music publisher, from my series of posts on Famous Maplewoodians.  John’s story is complicated.  You are more likely to appreciate this post if you reacquaint yourself with that original post so do that now.  Here is the link.  John Stillwell Stark.

For this post I am pirating a column from the internet by this fellow, Larry Melton.  He has his email address at the bottom.  Once I have published this I intend to send him a link and hope that he approves.  If he doesn’t, look for this to disappear very rapidly.  Larry, if it helps you reach a decision, I can guarantee that there is no money involved.  Take a look at my previous post on Stark.  You are welcome to copy it.

The image that was most interesting to me was the third one.  Stark’s son, Etilmon and his wife, Margaret are standing in front of their home at 7377 Maple in Maplewood. This is the only known image of that home.  An apartment building occupies the site today.  Stark lived with his son for awhile at that address.  Eventually he purchased a large home across the street at 7360 Maple that still exists. It was there that he died in 1927.

Tragedy! Stark lost his granddaughter in 1923.
He would only last about four more years.
The home on the left at 7360 Maple Ave. once belonged to John Stark. It has been lovingly restored by the current owners, the Todisman family.
This obituary indicates that John Stark was not the owner of the home in May of 1919. Apparently he lived at 7360 Maple for just a half dozen years or so.


My friend, Gary Tash, deserves the credit for bringing this information to my attention.  I want to thank Mr. Melton in advance for his excellent post on this subject.

As always, I appreciate all of the love and support that have been shown to me by the readers of this blog over the 7+ years I’ve been here at 40 South News and the 3 years prior at other locations.  We’ve got a tough winter ahead of us.  Stay healthy.  Stay home as much as you can and wear your masks.  This is serious.

I’ll be back before you know it.  Thanks.

Doug Houser    December 3, 2020



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