Truth be told it’s me that’s live. Maplewood History is, of course, being created constantly but just about everything I’m going to talk about happened a long time ago. I have carefully selected about a hundred and ten digital images to present to you Thursday evening.
As Dawn has mentioned all ripe fruit must be checked at the door. I will be live and I want to stay that way so don’t bring any weapons either. Snorers agree ahead of time to participate in the ice bucket challenge. That is why persons sitting next to a snorer are advised to move to a far corner of the room.
I look forward to meeting those of you I haven’t and seeing again those of you I have. So come on down to the library this Thursday the 15th at 6:30 and be prepared to hear one old timer talk about a bunch of other ones. See you then.
Doug Houser

I’m disappointed that I can’t come but I’ll be teaching cello through Community Music School of Webster University. Those who attend will surely learn a lot of interesting things.
I remember this, as I would take the Taylor streetcar line from the North Loop at Broadway and Taylor to the South Loop at Manchester and Kingshighway. Then transfer to the Manchester to Maplewood. Meet my cousins and go swimming in the Maplewood Municipal Pool. All those mom and pop shops are now gone, unless their business is still active at another location? Is that a bank on the NE corner? I see Harper’s next door.
Speak Now, that is the Bank of Maplewood on the NE corner of Sutton and Manchester. I seem to remember that the Harper’s in the photo was a dress shop but I’m not for certain on that. I’ve no idea if this Harper’s was related to the Harper’s Pharmacy. It seems like they might have been both having the same name.
South on Sutton Blvd
Meant to say “turning south on Sutton”. I vividly remember the cavernous sound inside the MB&T building.