Maplewood History: Made in Maplewood…But What is It?


The following photos were forwarded to me some time ago by (I’m fairly certain) our Community Development Director, Rachelle L’ecuyer. I apologize to whoever sent them to her for losing that information. If anyone out there has any idea what this item was used for, won’t you please let the rest of us in on it?

Bottom_View Top_View Company_Logo_Any ideas on what this what used for?


  1. The exact same devise is shown on Ebay with the owner asking the same question, “What is this ?’
    I found the listing by entering “Elmart Recreational Product. Maplewood, MO” in Google.

  2. From what I have found online and what appears to make the most amount of sense is that this is used to fly a kite. Imagine a string in between the notch and circular wood piece. Once you rotate/turn the circular wood part it will make the space between the two smaller and smaller until a string, for instance, is locked into place. Obviously the other end is the handle. One thing is for certain and that is this company was located on Greenwood and manufactured toys.

    • That’s interesting, John. With your information it is easy to see that the bolt is located off center making the dark round piece of wood a cam. I can imagine it somehow being used to fly a kite partly. But what held the large roll of string needed to fly a kite? I can’t quite picture this thing in operation. Also you say the company was on Greenwood and manufactured toys. I’m curious as to your source of that information. I’d like to know more about them. Has anyone else seen any other toys by this company?

      • With a little searching I probably found John’s source in the application to the National Register for the Greenwood Historic district on Page 19 under Sutton Station Saloon. I can’t figure out how to put a link here so I’ll just post this address.
        It reads: 3528 Greenwood was occupied by the Elmart Company, a toy manufacturer, in 1946, …


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