Maplewood History: Our Most Famous Maplewoodians


Who are our most famous Maplewoodians? Who are the folks that have resided in our lovely village and then gone out and done well for themselves in the wider world?  I have a few names in mind but I am going to keep them to myself until the readers of this space have had a chance to respond.

Let there be no misunderstanding, George Clooney made a movie here but that doesn’t count. He never lived here. Likewise I’m sure Elvis has been seen on the streets of Maplewood but he’s never lived here either. Ditto for Marie Antoinette who has eaten art on our fair streets but was gone before the stroke of midnight.

Let’s give it a week or so then if the few names that I know of haven’t been suggested, I’ll post them then.


  1. Their was a famous watercolorist/illustrator, Richard Grossenheider, who lived for a time on Flora in Maplewood. Not sure of the dates. He was very involved with the Zoo, was a personal friend of Marlin Perkins, and did wonderful bird and mammal portraits. He was a close friend of my physician years ago, where I saw many of his originals.

  2. What about Marty Corchran? I thought he went to school here, has been our city manager for a loooong time, even has a street named after him. Or The Scheidt Family. Any business that has been around for 100 years has to get some sort of shout out.

    • I agree with you, Mark. They deserve a shout out. The folks you mention are well known in Maplewood but probably not much beyond our city limits. I’m hoping to learn of Maplewoodians who went on to become famous beyond our borders. Thanks for your comment.

  3. I’m guessing whoever started Sunnen unless they were not from here but only located the business here.
    Also I think there is a business here that is a major innovator in gasoline pumps but cannot seem to remember where it is located. Was thinking somewhere down on Greenwood. But again, a business only and not a person from Maplewood.

    • last line was supposed to be a question. As in I don’t know who the person was and if they lived here or just set up a business here?

      • Got ya, Mark. Joseph Sunnen was the founder of the company. He’d definitely qualify as famous. I’m not sure if he ever lived in Maplewood. He is a good choice. I read that article to which you are referring about the company that was once on Greenwood. Seems like they invented the automatic shutoff on a gas pump handle or something like that. Didn’t they move to Eureka? Anyway, good call on Joe Sunnen. Thanks.

  4. Harold and Sidney Guller founded Essex Industries.
    Business : cryogenics materials.
    I don’t know about Harold, but Sidney graduated from MRH.

    • I don’t know these guys, Tom. They sound like they belong in the list. I’ll have to see what I can dig up on them. Their business is directly across the street from my house. Thanks for this information.

    • What the heck, abc123? Go ahead and locate as many famous Brentwoodians as you can. And Happy 100th Birthday, Brentwood! There are many fine folks over there and I even know a few of them. This column is titled, “Maplewood History”. I have no plans to include the history of Brentwood in upcoming columns but I have no problem listing whatever famous Brentwoodians you can find. Good luck!


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