Maplewood History: Rosaleen Bergin Rice

This is a good looking bunch of your Maplewoodians. Little Margaret is a cutie.

You say you never heard of Rosaleen Bergin Rice? I’d bet that she never heard of you either. Rosaleen for a while was part of the human fabric of Maplewood.

In 2007, work began on what would become the now legendary (according to some folks, myself being one of them) “The First One Hundred Years, Maplewood MO”, our centennial community history book, which, by the way, is now available as an improved version of the original.  Copies of this long awaited reprint can be had at our Chamber of Commerce and Scheidt Hardware which are almost adjacent to one another in the 7300 block of Manchester. Try Scheidt Hardware first. If they are temporarily sold out you can just skip down a few doors to the Chamber’s office.  There you’ll find that after ascending one long flight of stairs, a copy of the book will be placed in your sweaty palms just as soon as you have released your crumpled 20 dollar bill into theirs. No tax! They’re a nonprofit. But I know you don’t mind paying taxes. You just don’t want the money wasted.

Anyhow in 2007, the book committee put out a call for material for our planned volume.  Rosaleen answered the call. I’m glad she did. Some of what she sent made it into that first volume.

That was 12 years ago.  I haven’t heard from Rosaleen during that time.  I hope she is still with us. Many solid folks just like her have volunteered their historic Maplewood images and documents to be placed in either a book or my blog.  We all have benefited. Much thanks to them all.

Rosaleen, this one’s for you.

Here are three of the five Bergin girls. Kathleen is a lot older than Rosaleen and Margaret. Still she looks to young to be the mother, don’t you think?
This is a good looking bunch of young Maplewoodians. Little Margaret is a cutie.
Even though it doesn’t say so, that certainly looks like Kathleen behind the wheel and Margaret on the running board.
To me this looks like Kathleen. This must not be in Maplewood. A Maplewood dog wouldn’t be that annoying. I’m just kidding. I love dogs.
I don’t know who this is.  I would have thought it was Rosaleen but it has the exact border as the other photos indicating it was taken about the same time.
There was no information with either of these last two items.

I found this one in the Globe-Democrat.
And this one in the Post-Dispatch.

I’d like to thank Rosaleen for giving us a look at her life in our community.


  1. Awesome blog! I really enjoyed reading about Rosaleen and her family. The pictures were neat as well. Thanks Doug for sharing!! I was just thinking today how much I enjoyed living in Maplewood!! 🙂


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