Maplewood History: Saving Woodside – Maplewood’s Oldest Home


These beautiful summer days are just not allowing me any time inside on the computer so let’s try this.

Summer Reruns

Saving Woodside

Woodside was recently sold.  Has anyone met the new owners? When I last stopped by I couldn’t spot any activity.

These are page spreads from my book, Maplewood History – Volume Two.  Copies of which are still available from me or at Scheidt Hardware, (True Value to you newcomers) at 7320 Manchester.

I sure hope everyone can read these on whatever device you are using.  Let me know if you can’t.  I will post more historic images from my own family collection in the future.

I hope you are able to enjoy the wonderful summer air.

Doug Houser           June 10, 2023



  1. Thanks for the article — I didn’t realize this was the oldest home in Maplewood — I drive past it often. I had to look up the address: 2200 Bredell Avenue.


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