Maplewood History: The Bank of Maplewood-Part 1

This undated handsome photo is courteously lent by Donna kennedy kuntz of Maplewood's musical Kennedy family.

The first building to house the Bank of Maplewood was located at Oakview Terrace and Manchester on the NE corner.  It was in existence and probably very new in 1904.

From the 1909 Plat Book of St. Louis County
From the 1909 Plat Book of St. Louis County
Sorry I don't have the beginning of this article copied.  It is from the 1904 St. Louis Suburban Journal.  Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
Sorry, I don’t have the beginning of this article copied. It is from the 1904 St. Louis Suburban Journal. Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
This photo is from the 1904 St. Louis Suburban Journal. Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
This photo is from the 1904 St. Louis Suburban Journal. Courtesy of the Maplewood Public Library.
The horse and buggy are parked directly in front of the bank in this early postcard view.  I think this may have come from the collection of Donna Rakowski.
The horse and buggy are parked directly in front of the bank in this early postcard view. I think this may have come from the collection of Donna Rakowski.
This image is in the Maplewood library's collection but I think it also may have come from the collection of Donna Rakowski originally.  From memory the post mark on the back of this card is from 1909.
This image is in the Maplewood Library’s collection but I think it also may have come from the collection of Donna Rakowski originally. From memory the post mark on the back of this card is from 1909.
This undated handsome photo is courteously lent by Donna kennedy kuntz of Maplewood's musical Kennedy family.
This undated, handsome photo and the following one are courteously lent by Wanda Kennedy Kuntz of Maplewood’s musical Kennedy family.  Wanda retains all rights to these photos.
Thanks to Wanda for letting me post these beautiful images.  If you wonder what happened to this attractive building, stay tuned.  In my next post, I'll answer that question thanks again going to Wanda.  You will be surprised.
Thanks to Wanda for letting me post these beautiful images. If you wonder what happened to this attractive building, stay tuned. In my next post, I’ll answer that question thanks again going to Wanda. You will be surprised.

See also: Maplewood History: The Bank of Maplewood-Part 1, Maplewood History: The Bank of Maplewood-Part 2, Maplewood History: Bank of Maplewood-Part 3, Maplewood History: The Bank of Maplewood-Part 3 (continued)


  1. By the way, Donna Ray (Johnny Ray’s daughter)was a classmate of mine at MRH, and she also remembers the story of ‘what happened’ inside the building. I spoke with her not long ago…


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