Maplewood officials consider tattoo studio, Prop P funds


Maplewood city officials on Tuesday in a voice vote in the first readings, unanimously approve a proposed tattoo studio at 2801- 2803 S. Big Bend Boulevard. The third and final vote will take place at the next council meeting.

Council member Ray Crader asked owner asked about age restrictions, and owner, Alan Thompson, said state regulations allow no one under 18 to get a tattoo without parental consent. He said 16 is the minimum age; also that minors aren’t allowed in the shop.

Council member Sandi Phillips said she was at the planning and zoning meeting where it first approved, and that parking was the number one issue there. The owners plan to buy the three connected parcels and put a parking lot on the now vacant lot. Mayor Barry Greenberg said he likes that the business offers laser tattoo removal.

See also: Maplewood City Council discusses how to control traffic on block with 15 kids

Also in the meeting several members of the group, Maplewood Community Builders, told the council they hope the city uses its annual Proposition P funds more creatively than simply adding police officers. Earlier in the year the group canvassed Maplewood with a survey, to better understand feelings about public safety and policing in Maplewood. See their report here: Re-Envisioning Public Safety & Justice.

The council also approved use of the 2019 Community Development Block Grant application for rental and mortgage assistance, new playground equipment in Kellogg Park and sidewalk repairs.

Also in the meeting, the council discussed possible solutions to the rush-hour traffic on Marietta Avenue. Residents of the block told the council the street is used as a cut-through, some of it going too fast.



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