Maplewood officials talk greenway options; OK Thai restaurant


Maplewood council members voted unanimously Tuesday evening to allow a permit for the Thai Table restaurant to operate at 7403 Manchester Road. Owner, Somying Fox, along with her business partner, Natthinee Hughes, said they’re planning to open in January 2018.

Fox said the menu will be authentic Thai, and “upscale.” Hughes lives in Maplewood, and Fox said she’d like to move here; she said she likes the school district.

The council also discussed a potential greenway biking/walking route through Maplewood that would connect the now under construction Great Rivers Greenway near Francis Slay Park on McCausland Avenue with Deer Creek Park.

Routes being considered are along Greenwood Boulevard; or a south route, along Deer Creek. Mayor Barry Greenberg said previously there was a deadline of October 24 for the city to tell Great Rivers its preference, but that’s been extended.

He said the council has questions to be answered by Great Rivers before they make their decision. Also, there will be another public hearing. One question is how the trail will cross Big Bend Boulevard: the bridges at Marshall Avenue and at the end of Greenwood Boulevard are possibilities. They also considered going under Big Bend.

A summary of the council’s work session held last week at Foley’s, by council member Jenny Schmidt (from the meeting agenda notes) is below. Greenberg’s response is included, as well as council member Steven Moseley’s email that he prefers the  southern route.



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