Maplewood Police Department to take part in speed enforcement campaign: “Obey the Sign or Pay the Fine”


Motorists enjoying the first signs of summer are advised to maintain the speed limit as they travel. Between July 21 -23, the Maplewood Police Department will join participating law enforcement agencies from Kansas, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Arkansas and Oklahoma in a Regional Speed Enforcement Campaign.

Officers will be on the lookout for those who are traveling above the speed limit on all roadways.

Law enforcement officers across the state will patrol approximately 869 miles of roadway. By concentrating law enforcement on high traffic corridors, organizers hope to put motorists on guard and encourage safe driving.

Local Impact

Speeding is a serious problem on Maplewood roadways and has contributed to multiple traffic crashes. Too many citizens are impacted by drivers who drive too fast for the road conditions or exceed the speed limit. In order to get drivers to slow down and reduce the number of crashes, the Maplewood Police Department plans to intensify enforcement of posted speed limits in the City of Maplewood.

National Impact

Nationwide, approximately 9,536 crash fatalities in 2015 were related to a driver exceeding the speed limit or driving too fast for conditions. Eighty-six percent of all speeding-related traffic fatalities occurred on local roads where the posted speed limits were 55 miles per hour or under. A crash is considered speeding-related if the driver was exceeding the posted speed limit or driving too fast for conditions at the time.


  1. Do you think the Maplewood Richmond police personnel could be the first to slow down? Show by example. Just sayin’

  2. I hope they will patrol Sutton Blvd and the cross streets. Some folks don’t stop at the stop signs. Just tap their brakes and fly threw the intersection. Then speed on. Even trucks are bad at it.

  3. It would be helpful to know what the speed limit is in many places in Maplewood. I’m curious about Marshall. Is that 25? 30?

  4. I really hope this means that the stretch of St. Elmo between Greenwood blvd. and Manhattan ave. will be more actively patrolled during high traffic times. Although it’s not as big of an issue when school is out, the amount of cars that cut through our neighborhood using this street in the morning is dangerous, given the speeds at which they travel and disregard for coming to a full stop.

  5. I am fed up with speeders on Lyndover Place. They use it as a bypass to avoid downtown Maplewood. However, the street is currently torn up and Ryan Hummert Memorial Park is a place where there are children. That doesn’t seem to slow down the speeders.

  6. While our police are looking for speeders, they need to be ticketing all the people who seemingly do not know what those red octagon shaped signs mean. Maplewood and Richmond Heights are the worst for running stop signs–not even rolling stops. Saw a Richmond Heights police car roll right through the stop on Dale at Claytonia. Had my 2014 Kia totaled at Lohmeyer and Bredell in December 2014 by a pickup truck. Maybe the gal was late returning a library book!

  7. Speeders on local roads should slow
    Down. People often go over the 20 – 30 mph speed limit on residential roads. Hope they hand out lots of tickets to those going too fast. We have lots of kids On local streets

  8. In other words, the longest school zone in America (the 30mph zone of Manchester through the entire town of Brentwood) will have even more cops now.



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