Maplewood police seize guns, marijuana


Maplewood police officers on Saturday seized three firearms (two of which were stolen), nearly a hundred rounds of ammunition and marijuana during a stealing investigation, the department reported on Facebook and Twitter.


  1. The amount of crime and violence and weapons accumulated in one haul is very threatening to the 3 Cities (B/RH/M) . I read an article that the highest majority of police involved restraints and gun fire re criminals happen at Walmart–nationwide. Then there is the rapid transit of Metrolink, which SHOULD have a security transit authority–all whom are lic. CC holders. All these occurrences will not be stopped. But by damn they can be seriously minimized. Who is it that loves to call every thing “URBAN THIS, URBAN THAT…”
    You are fools calling on dangers you do not foresee, by failing to keep our cities as residential with some commerce. Drop the URBAN CRAP because the idea sets in and weakens our community, inviting crime because the URBAN AREA is exactly where all the crime is. If you don’t like this comment, start digging into your finances and vote by buying every thug a metro-card. You feel this is unjust? Move to a REAL urban area. See how long you last.

  2. Police do not hide evidence, unless it will serve a future purpose in any identification revealing the perpetrator. But this includes protecting any identification of people who have nothing to do with the crime. I AM FRUSTRATED BY YOUR Q…SOMEone needs to start looking at the BIG PICTURE—this is not the M/B/RH norm. i am posting elsewhere about prevention. This trend is so very disturbing.

  3. Their looking for a loop to discredit it.. another A-Hole.. facts are facts, the Statues are real.. those who discredit the past are more than likely to repeat the past!

      • Police do not hide evidence, unless it will serve a future purpose in any identification revealing the perpetrator. But this includes protecting any identification of people who have nothing to do with the crime. I AM FRUSTRATED BY YOUR Q…SOMEone needs to start looking at the BIG PICTURE—this is not the M/B/RH norm. i am posting elsewhere about prevention. This trend is so very disturbing.


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