Maplewood police warn of telephone scam


The Maplewood Police Department sent an email to Maplewood Chamber of Commerce members about a recent telephone scam. 40 South News is a chamber member.

“In the past two days, patrol has been called to three separate businesses regarding a telephone scam. The reported scam begins with a call from the suspect claiming to be from the electric company. The suspect explains to the business representative that the business is currently late with their utilities payment and must make payment immediately.

“The suspect then advises the business representative to acquire a Green Dot Money Pack (similar to a pre-paid credit card) in the amount of $1,000 to avoid the utilities being turned off. Once the business representative acquires the Green Dot Money Pack, they are advised by the suspect to call back with the 14 digit security code which is on the back of the purchased card. Once the suspect receives the security code, the money is drained from the card.”


  1. But of course, the utilities aren’t going to ask for payment through a Green Dot Money Pack. It’s not the way they conduct business.

  2. Wow. I just can’t figure out who would be taken in by that scam. I guess when you start to panic that you may suffer the embarrassment and potential revenue loss of losing your electricity, you’ll be more susceptible. But…


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