Maplewood P&Z approves ‘paint and wine studio’

Maplewood, MO

The Maplewood Planning and Zoning committee met Monday, the first time since May.

The committee recommended approval of “The Paint and Wine Studio” at 2607 Bellevue Avenue. Public Works Director Anthony Traxler said similar businesses often have up to 15 at an event.

The committee also approved a consolidation of a lot contiguous to Maplewood Richmond Heights Elementary School into the school district. The lot is in Richmond Heights.

The two items will now go to the City Council.

Also at the planning and zoning meeting:

The orange barrels at the Maplewood Metrolink Station in spots originally intended for trees will stay there until Phase 3 of the Manchester Road improvement begins, and irrigation for trees is added.

MRH students will swim at the Maplewood Family Aquatic Center in PE class when school begins next week.

Reported by Nancy Miner.


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